what are the requirements to run for congress?

How to Run for Congress

While running for a seat in the U.S. Congress may seem a little daunting, don't be intimidated if yous're passionate about having a direct bear on on pushing progressive policies frontward. Members of Congress come up from all backgrounds, so no matter your story, yous'll fit in only fine. Plus, the Business firm is likewise the virtually attainable office in the federal legislative co-operative.

Every ii years, all 435 congressional House of Representative seats must be filled—attracting thousands of people just like y'all who throw their hats into the band each bicycle.

Still, navigating your first political campaign isn't easy, specially if you're running for a federal role, but we've got your dorsum. This guide has everything you lot need to kicking off your campaign to serve in the U.S. Firm of Representatives.

The first step is fully agreement the function that you'll be running to fill.

How the House of Representatives Works

Technically, Congress refers to the legislative co-operative of the U.Southward. government, comprising both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Only the term is also used interchangeably to refer to the House. For case, members of the House are often referred to both as representatives and every bit congressmen/women.

We as well have a guide on how to run for Senate if that's more your stride, but in this guide, we'll be focused solely on the Business firm of Representatives.

What is the Business firm of Representatives?

As noted above, the U.S. Firm of Representatives is a sleeping room of the legislative co-operative of the federal government. The House is responsible for writing and passing laws.

Dissimilar members of the Senate (who represent your entire country), House members represent only a specific portion of your state. These portions are called districts, and each district elects its own representative to serve in Congress.

How many members are in the House of Representatives?

There are 435 members of the U.Southward. House of Representatives. How many representatives your land has is determined by the population of your state, based on the almost recent census. Thus, the number of representatives in your state might change after the redistricting that follows the 2020 census. It could also alter again following the 2030 census and so on.

The House also includes delegates from U.S. territories not recognized as states, such as Washington D.C., Guam, and American Samoa. These delegates tin participate in the activities of the House, bated from voting to pass legislation, during a session.

What does the House of Representatives practise?

There's a lot that goes into police force-making, so the House of Representatives has many moving parts that require reps to focus on forming and post-obit up on laws affecting all areas of life in the United States.

To better illustrate how all of this works, let's wait at the three different parts of the Business firm: the leadership, the committees, and the commissions.


As of May 2021, the Democratic Party holds the majority in the House. Beneath is a chart of what leadership roles wait like within the Business firm based on that majority:

Each party elects their own leaders (most contained members caucus with either of the two dominant parties). The Speaker of the House is elected by the House every bit a whole.


Xx Firm continuing committees oversee different legislative jurisdictions. Committee members are tasked with learning nigh bug, drafting bills surrounding those issues, and overseeing programs or organizations that fall inside each committee'south jurisdiction.

The ii parties are responsible for filling their allotted seats in a committee. Incumbent committee members are often given first dibs on their old seats. Then, recommendations for the balance of the seats are put forrad and the members follow a selection procedure to concur on who fills the positions.

Specific committees include Agriculture, Veteran's Diplomacy, Transportation and Infrastructure, Oversight and Reforms, and and so on.

Each committee has a website that outlines the specific committee agenda and provides contact information, news, and other data. The U.S. House of Representatives website has a listing of every committee with links to their respective websites.

Rep. Katie Porter (and her at present iconic whiteboard) serves every bit one more-prominent example of what a role in a House committee could entail. No doubt you lot've seen videos of her pointedly questioning authorities officials and CEOs as role of her piece of work within the House Oversight and Reform committee and the Subcommittee of Government Operations.

Below is a video of Rep. Porter securing free COVID-nineteen testing for Americans in 2020, to give you a glimpse of what kind of work you'd be doing in Congress if you win your ballot:


Commissions are informational groups, permanent or temporary, that can be equanimous of Firm members, private citizens, or both. They are formed through police force or by a House resolution.

Investigating policies or events and providing advice and recommendations to assistance shape policy-making comprise the primary purpose of Firm commissions. Ultimately, these groups offer legislatures more efficient access to bipartisan expertise on complicated topics. The goal is to provide accessible solutions to bug that both parties feel comfortable implementing.

Because many commissions are temporary, at that place isn't a running list you can check out every bit with committees. Even so, Wikipedia has an alphabetical list of past and nowadays commissions that can help yous research farther.

How does the in a higher place information help me?

Understanding how the U.S. House of Representatives works will help you decide whether Congress is a expert fit for you. What committees are you interested in working on? What feel do you have to bring to these different House bodies? Answering these questions will help you develop your campaign messaging and shape your political career.

One time you know that running for part in the House is a good fit, you can start building your political campaign. In other words, you're ready to get to work!

How to Run for The Business firm of Representatives

The first step is determining the size and scope of your campaign. Practice you authorize for the part? Who is your contest? What kind of budget will yous need?

In this section, nosotros'll walk y'all through answering all of those questions.

How old do yous have to be to run for Congress?

The U.Due south. Constitution stipulates that you must be at least 25 years old to qualify to run to be a representative. You also must have been a U.South. resident for at least 7 years, and you must exist a resident of the state you want to represent.

When is the adjacent election for the House of Representatives?

Each congressperson serves 2-year terms. Every member of the House faces an election during the midterm and presidential ballot cycles.

Who is already a representative for my state?

A country is broken up into districts, and each district elects its own representative to serve in the House. The number of districts in each state is determined past the population (again, based on the most current census). For case, in 2021 (based on the 2010 demography), California has 53 districts, while Maine has simply two.

Who am I running confronting?

Well, technically, information technology depends.

If you're running confronting an incumbent, the Business firm of Representatives website has a Directory of Representatives that lets you look upwardly the representative for your district. In the directory, yous can search by country and commune, or by terminal name.

In the main, you might be running for a seat in Congress against more than just the incumbent. Democratic primaries can exist crowded places. Simply look at the 2020 presidential elections where 29 candidates competed.

Who y'all'll run confronting will also change in the primary vs. the general election. Gathering information about who is running, what kind of support they have, and how much they can fundraise volition help you set up your budget and fundraising goals. Primaries tend to have lower costs than general elections, but strong fundraising during the early on days can assistance you lot stand out with potential supporters.

With that in mind, allow'southward discuss how a political candidate sets upward a budget and starts fundraising.

Getting Ready to Fundraise

Fundraising is the courage of a political campaign. Without fundraising, yous won't have the resource to attract further support for your candidacy or attain potential voters with your message.

You won't have a staff when you commencement fundraising, either. That's normal. Due to its importance, fundraising normally begins before you've launched an official campaign.

Running for the Firm of Representatives is i of the more expensive political races.

How much does it cost to run for Congress?

The quickest way to determine what your upkeep should be to run for a seat in the Firm is to use the FEC website to examine the campaign finance data of other candidates. Using that data, you tin see that Nancy Pelosi raised nearly $28 meg for the 2020 election.

Rep. Pelosi was the top fundraiser for the Democratic political party. And while you probably won't need a budget as large every bit hers (just four other Business firm candidates raised more than $10 one thousand thousand), you'll all the same likely need to enhance over a million dollars to have a competitive campaign.

How do I create my budget?

Examining campaign finance information volition requite y'all an thought of the type of targets to set for your overall fundraising. To create a upkeep from this information, yous need to break down the costs associated with running a political entrada. Hither are some of the overhead costs your campaign volition incur:

  • Campaign staff: Your earliest hires will be a finance director and mayhap a campaign manager. For fundraising needs for a budget this size, having a finance director or fundraising consultant of some kind should exist your first priority. You'll as well need other staff, such as field directors, media consultants, and a treasurer.
  • Advertising: To raise sensation of your entrada, you'll need to budget for TV spots, mailers, yard signs, digital advertising, and more. Your costs for such advertising will exist lower at the beginning of your campaign and will then increment when you ramp up Get Out The Vote efforts closer to the general election.
  • Fundraising events: To secure contributions to your campaign, you'll demand to host fundraising events. You'll want to keep your budget for these events relatively low so that the coin coming in isn't spent before y'all even have it. In-kind donations (e.g., venues and refreshments) can help keep event costs downward. As well, don't forget that entrada finance laws dictate who can (and can't) contribute to your campaign and how much they can give. Your finance director (and compliance firm) can assistance ensure your campaign remains compliant with these laws.

Once you've got an idea what your budget will look similar, y'all tin get started with fundraising by setting daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly fundraising goals.

What exercise I demand to start fundraising?

Offset, have a good campaign strategy in place. Know why y'all're running, develop your branding, and begin testing your message equally you lot first asking for donor support.

An essential step to getting things started is doing donor inquiry.

Donor Research

Prepare a list of potential donors. Comb through your contacts and acquaintances—both new and old—and compile a list of people who might support your candidacy. Start with your inner circle, and piece of work your mode out to those in your extended network. Ask contributors if they take people in their networks who can help expand your support.

Don't simply collect names, though. Function of successful fundraising involves speedily making personal connections with your donors. Collect a few $.25 of personal information well-nigh each potential donor. What are their alma maters? What industry exercise they work in? Come across if you can find some common ground with them before reaching out. Information technology's easier to build a rapport if yous share something in common.

Use this listing of potential donors to organize your call time lists and chart your fundraising events.

Once you lot know who you want to contact, prepare your campaign for receiving funds.

Administrative Tasks

Filing the right paperwork and putting together a legally recognized organisation that complies with entrada finance laws volition also get a long way toward lending your entrada the credibility information technology needs to succeed with fundraising.

Here are the authoritative tasks needed to institute your political campaign:

  1. Annals as a political committee. This step signifies that you lot're officially running for office and lends credibility to your campaign with banks and other organizations.
  2. Get an EIN from the IRS. Having an EIN allows you lot to not only collect contributions merely too pay your staff and other campaign expenses.
  3. Set upward a campaign bank business relationship. Legally, all political campaign funds and spending should exist completely separate from personal funds. Acceptable banks for political campaigns are national banks, land banks, and other FDIC- or NCUA-insured institutions.
  4. Organize your donor information and contributions with a fundraising CRM, such equally ActBlue or Numero.
  5. Set up your social media accounts and political website, as these can assist yous with private contributions and grassroots fundraising through donation CTA banners and merch sales.

Either y'all or your campaign manager can tackle most of the above steps, but political consultants tin can also assistance. Financial consultants volition specialize in setting up your bank accounts and organizing your fundraising. Digital consultants can build you lot an online presence that boosts your campaign's reach and fundraising potential.

Launching Your Political Campaign

How do I access the election?

Aside from the previously mentioned constitutional requirements, the FEC requires potential candidates to take raised and/or spent $5,000 toward a run for the House of Representatives. Upon reaching this milestone, you'll have xv days to file a statement of candidacy. Later on filing that argument, y'all'll accept 10 days to file a statement of organization.

Additionally, each state has its ain requirements for candidates registering to exist on the ballot as hopeful House Representatives. The specific requirements depend on the state yous stand for and the party with which you lot're affiliated.

In Maine, for example, you lot're required to learn 1,000 signatures from your commune if y'all're part of a qualified party. Unaffiliated parties need ii,000 signatures to access the election. Meanwhile, in Washington, you must pay a filing fee of $1,740 (or 1% of the almanac representative salary) regardless of party affiliation.

Ballotpedia has an interactive U.S. map that lets yous easily find your land's requirements for accessing the congressional ballot.

How exercise I tell people I'm running for the Firm of Representatives?

You can permit people know about your run for the U.S. Congress in a number of means:

  • Political endorsements: Public back up from prominent people or organizations tin can actually boost your campaign'southward reach. In your run for House, you'll be helped by endorsements from local businesses, community leaders, or other politicians. Even popular artists can boost public awareness and support for your entrada.
  • Political advertising: As previously mentioned, advertising accounts for a major part of whatsoever political entrada upkeep. Advert will thus exist a key way that you get and go along your message out in front of your voters and encourage them to take action.
  • Voter contact: Door knocking, phonebanks, and text banks all aid you interact with voters. The ane-on-ane conversations betwixt voters and members of your entrada that occur through such voter contacts are indispensable in getting your message out there. Plus, the real-time feedback helps you understand how your political messaging is being received. The more you lot hear from voters, the amend developed your political brand will be. Likewise, the more than voters hear from you, the more engaged they volition be with your entrada. This process will be vital from the primeval days of fundraising to the GOTV efforts closer to the general ballot.
  • Solid SEO and social media: Your entrada must absolutely be findable online. An appealing website with solid SEO can lend your entrada credibility and provide some other source of potential fundraising. With social media, you don't need to maintain content for every social media platform, but fifty-fifty a generic profile can gain traffic. Many candidates put together Spotify entrada playlists, for example. A playlist doesn't crave abiding endeavor to maintain, but will help keep your proper noun on people's radar.

After the Campaign

If y'all desire to go along your seat as a House member, your side by side election won't be far off since the entire House is re-elected every two years. Leftover funds from your previous campaign can exist carried over into the adjacent campaign, which volition requite you lot a caput get-go and assist fend off potential challengers.

If y'all choose not to run again, leftover funds can be donated to other campaigns, to PACs, or to charities.

Finally, recall that a lost run for function isn't the finish of your political career. All but one of the candidates of any election will ultimately lose. Yous tin hands curlicue the momentum from your concluding campaign into your run for the adjacent office.

Plenty of politicians accept lost a race or two and still went on to accept long, impactful political careers. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are ii such politicians, to requite you some perspective.

Off to the Races

And with that, y'all're at present fix to boot off your campaign for the Firm of Representatives. Utilise this guide and the linked resource to aid make it a successful run for Congress. Skilful luck!


Source: https://numero.ai/blog/how-to-run-for-congress/

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