Solidworks Draw Line Perpendicular to Plane

Welcome to SolidWorks Tutorials for beginners, in this tutorial, you are going to see how to utilise solidworks canvass metallic modelling. This SolidWorks Tutorial completely defended to beginners. It explains sheet metallic basic features, how to apply each i with examples. Follow this to go more than Basic SolidWirks training materials.

What is Sheet Metallic?

Sail metal is the metal formed into sparse and flat pieces, which uses sheets of thickness less than 6 mm. It is one of the primary and basic forms of metal working. Y'all can cut or bend into diverse shapes using canvas metal. The greatest characteristic of sheet metal is that it's having ability to be formed and shaped by no of procedure.

Each of the process done after the metal and it gives different shape or size at the end. Sheet metal is formed past the application rolling, which incorporate application of big compressive force on long metal work pieces, through certain no of rolls. I promise you are familiarized with unlike rolling methods which is studied in mechanical engineering classes. (Wiki pedia)

Normally, a sheet metallic thickness mentioned equally gauge of metal and it ranges from 30 to 8 gauge. That means, higher the gauge, thinner is the sheetmetal. Aluminum, brass, copper, mild steel, tin, nickel etc. are normally used to create sheetmetals.

Applications of Sheet Metal

It accept broad applications in various sections of engineering science. Information technology tin be used to for making bodies of automobile, aeroplane wings, electronics casing, home appliances casing, laptop, CPU case, mobile phones etc.

What should you know about SolidWorks Canvass Metal?

Sheet metal angle or unbending is like shooting fish in a barrel to exercise in existent scenario with helps of various auto tools and experienced machinist. But, it is computer CAD program like SolidWorks is analytical in nature. So, yous should have to represent bending procedure analytically. For representing that, SolidWorks provided bend allowance, bend deduction, k-factor etc.

Bend Allowance

It is allowance that given for flat canvass metallic to bend to certain shape. The bend section takes small portion of flat sail. So, you lot have to mention the allowance explicitly in SolidWorks. You lot have certain bending allowance value on the desired place or create bending allowance tabular array for more accuracy.

Bend Deduction

It is besides same as bend allowance, merely just reverse of bend allowance. In Bend deduction, you are deducting the bend section length from the flat canvass metal.

Bend Angle:- The angle which represents curve department.


It is single value which is used to represent bending or unbending process over bend bending, material thickness, bend radii etc. K-cistron value volition be obtained from sheetmetal supplier or handbooks.

For example, for bronze and spring steel K value is "0.45".

Cloth Thickness:- It is thickness of sheet metal material used.

Let us start SolidWorks Sheet Metal Tools awarding.

How to Employ SolidWorks Base of operations Flange | SolidWorks SheetMetal Tutorial #one

Base Flange is beginning and basic footstep used to start canvass metal model. It is applicable one per part file. You can create unmarried open up, single closed or multiple closed profiles for creating a base flange. One time you set metal thickness and bend radius, information technology volition become default value for additional sheet metal features added to same base of operations flange.


Step one: Open up SolidWorks New Role File

create new solidworks part file and shows top plane

Open SolidWorks and create new Office file. Then select whatsoever default plane (e.grand. Top plane) and utilize "Normal To" view.

Step 2: Insert Base Flange Sheet Metallic to Role File

insert sheet metal base flange feature from insert menubar

Get to "Insert" carte, select "Sheet Metal" from drop downward card and select "Base of operations Flange" from side driblet down card.

Insert -> Canvass Metal -> Base Flange

Stride three: Create Sketch for Base of operations Flange

It volition direct to Sketch department. You lot have to create single open (line), unmarried closed (rectangle) or multiple airtight sketch profiles.

Unmarried Closed Sketch Contour – Rectangle

create rectangle sketch profile for applying sheet metal single closed sketch profile feature

Here, I am going to make rectangle sketch profile. (This is just showing example, no demand to enter dimensions).

After creating sketch profile, click on "Exit the Sketch".

It volition direct to the Base of operations Flange Property Manager. Here, y'all need to enter sheet metal parameters (thickness, bend allowance, k-cistron etc). Once y'all enter these values, it will automatically set for other application of sheet metal features on this base of operations flange part file.

applying sheet metal base flange feature property manager

Thickness = 3.0 mm

Grand-factor = 0.45

Motorcar Relief ratio = 0.5

Utilize these values and click Ok (green tick) on base flange holding manager.

solidworks sheet metal base flange feature final image for single closed sketch profile

Go to File and Save sail metal flange for hereafter application of other solidworks sheet metal characteristic tools.

Single Open up Sketch Profile – Line

Follow the above steps up to two (sketch section of base flange).

solidworks sheet metal single open sketch profile base flange

Draw the line sketch profile as shown in the above figure and utilise all dimensions using the smart dimension tool. Then, "Get out The Sketch".

single open sketch profile sheet metal base flange property application

Information technology volition direct to base flange property director. Enter below values on the specified locations of base flange holding manager.

Direction 1

Select "blind" and enter twenty mm.

Management 2

Select "blind" and enter thirty mm.

Sheet Metallic Parametersouthward

Thickness = iii mm (set direction of calculation fabric thickness to profile inside or outside)

Curve radius = 0.8 mm

K-factor = 0.45 under bend allowance

Machine relief ratio = 0.5

After entering all the above values on base flange belongings manager and click on Ok.

solidworks sheetmetal base flange open sketch profile final image

Y'all created base flange sail metal section on SolidWorks using a single open sketch profile.

Salvage the role file for time to come reference.

How to Apply SolidWorks Border Flange | SolidWorks Sheet Metal Tutorial #2

In the base flange section, you seen the very first step to make sheet metal design in SolidWorks CAD software. The Edge Flange feature helps to add together flanges to selected border or more edges. The condition of awarding of Edge flange is that the Edges should exist linear. You can as well add flange parameters such every bit flange length bending, bend position management, custom curve allowance, relief blazon etc in Edge flange holding manager.

For showing SolidWorks Edge flange awarding, we are going to create new base flange sheet metal part. You lot can follow stride ane and pace 2 and outcome is shown in figure below.

created sheet metal base flange part for showing edge flange in solidworks

Then, yous can go to Command managing director or Insert Carte and select " Edge Flange " from sheetmetal side drop down carte..

edge flange selection via insert menubar

So, Select border for creating edge flange on it. Here, I selected " Edge-ane " and immediately preview available on that border.

solidworks edge flange paramerts marked on property manager

In Border flange property manager, y'all can set Flange length, flange position and flange angle. There are five types of flange positions. They are Cloth outside, Textile inside, curve outside, bend from virtual strap, tangent to bend. Hither I am selected " Bend outside " edge flange position.

flange angle, length and position marked on sheet metal edge flange property manager

After entering all the details, click on green tick button.

solidworks edge flange marked on created sheetmetal part

How to Use SolidWorks Miter Flange | SolidWorks Sail Metal Tutorial #2

Sheet metal miter flange is also like edge flange helps to add together one or more flanges on base of operations flange sheet metal role. Miter flange is slightly different from edge flange, because it needs a sketch profile of lines or arcs. And as well sketch plane is e'er perpendicular to the starting time border, where yous are going create Miter flange. No need of any confusion about thickness of sheetmetal part, which is automatically selected from the base flange role.

Miter Flange Video Tutorial

Hither I am going to create a miter flange on iii edges using continuous line (Fifty-shaped line or multiple continuous line).

For that I already created base flange sheetmetal part which is shown.

base flange sheetmetal for solidworks miter flange application

I have to create miter flange on the edges of this part. For that I selected a face as sketch plane. (Condition: sketch plane should be normal to get-go edge for creating sketch).

select sketch plane normal to edge solidworks sheetmetal tutorial for beginners

Select the Line sketch tool and start line from the border and create L-shaped line. Applied smartdimension tool for inbound dimension.

l shaped sketch profile  solidworks sheetmetal tutorial for beginners

Select the sketch .

Then, go to " Insert carte du jour " and from drop down menu select " SheetMetal " and " Miter flange " which is shown below.

miter flange slect from insert menu solidworks sheetmetal tutorial for beginners

Insert -> SheetMetal -> Miter Flange

You tin see yellow preview which shows the miter flange advent on the selected edge " Edge-1 ".

first edge miter flange preview solidworks sheetmetal tutorial for beginners

Then, select Edge-2 and Edge-3 in clockwise direction and as well encounter the preview beneath.

miter flange three edges gap distance flange position offset start and end

You tin also adjust flange position from the Miter flange property director. There are three types of flange positions bachelor and they are Cloth inside, Material exterior and Bend outside. Hither I selected " Material outside "

Also you tin adjust Gap distance. It accommodate miter flange distance between them. Yous tin can also apply offset to the start and end from the holding manager.

Finally, click on green tick button.

miter flange final imag sheetmetal

More SolidWorks SheetMetal Tutorials will publish before long…Stay Tuned…

Thanks Friends.


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